The Worlds Best Diet

Do you know what the worlds best diet is?

Atkins? No.

Weight Watchers? No.

Slimming World? No.

I am not going to go on and on listing these fad, money making, decieving, manipulative, mentally abusive, judgemental and cult like so called ‘weight loss diets’ that are ‘good for you’.

The best diet in the world is the one that works for you. The one that allows you to enjoy your life, enjoy a meal without worrying about the calories in every single bite, the one that allows you to have a celebratory drink with friends and family without feeling guilty every single sip you take. Whilst still being able to be happy with what is staring back at you in the mirror.

The best diet in the world is where you can enjoy the foods and drinks you enjoy most in moderation, whilst holding yourself accountable and monitoring the amount of ‘junk/unhealthy’ food that you are consuming.

If you can pair this attitude with a healthy active lifestyle with some form of resistance training in there around 3 times per week, you will add years onto your life. If you don’t do these things, you could be taking years off your life.

The countless studies that show the insane amount of benefits to resistance training and building lean muscle within our body and its relation to a longer and better quality of life is crazy.

All of the stupid/quick fix diets you can think of ALL HAVE ONE THING IN COMMON!! they have a reduction in calories in one way or another. But instead of saying to you ‘just reduce your calories by 10% and you will lose weight’ they would rather make you believe there is some special formula. ‘If you eat carbs after 7pm you will turn into a werewolf and you will maintain the weight gained when you wake back up as a human which is why you have excess body fat, however if you drink this special meal replacement shake at 6:59pm after shaking it 3.5 times then you won’t turn into a werewolf blah blah blah’.

A little bit of an extreme example but these businesses are money makers and pray on the fact that us humans don’t have the best relationship mentally with ourselves and we would do anything to improve our self-image. The problem is we will probably never be truly 100% happy with how we look, me personally I am always trying to improve myself.

So once they have sucked you in, they have got you. Get you on a repeat subscription and you are tied in then. Then when you try leave and you haven’t done any resistance training or any healthy changes, you have just had there meal replacement shakes 3 times per day. Shock horror the weight will slowly creep back on.

The morale of this story is, stop looking for a quick fix. Take accountability for your actions, make healthier choices in your meals and if you are gaining a little weight, eat a little less and move a little more.

If your dog was overweight what would you do? Stick it on a meal replacement shake or take it for an extra walk and feed it a little less?

If you are unsure how to start just drop me a message and I will help you get started


Do I need a protein shake?


Why you need to track your calories over Christmas more than ever.