How I ate 2500 calories in one meal at McDonalds and incorporated it into my calorie allowance.
McDonalds, we have all eaten there. We have all being absolutely starving after having one of the meals on offer too.
Is McDonalds food up there with some of the best nutritionally? No.
Does this mean it is bad for you? No.
It is exactly what it says it is, fast food. We were having a very busy day and had to deal with some things that meant we were running out of time and couldn’t be bothered cooking a meal when we got home, therefore we opted for a McDonalds.
Having decided this I then had to make the decision of do I get my usual, 2 wrap of the day (usually sweet chilli chicken) or do I go all in and get some burgers too?
Usually I will just get the two wraps as they are very simialr calories to the infamous fries, the main difference is that the wraps have more nutritionally beneficial factors than the fries to. The fries have very little if any at all, they are made with crap that keeps you wanting more, which is why they taste so good.
However this time I decided to order the food I wanted then I would deal with the calories after. So I chose:
1 cheeseburger
1 double chilli cheeseburger
1 large Cheesy McCrispy meal (fanta zero to save some calories)
1 sharer box of melt dippers,
3 sweet curry sauces.
Total of 2500 calories and 112g of protein
This meant alongside my porridge for breakfast, quality street snacks throughout the day, post workout protein shake and mince pie for pudding. I ended up having 4000 calories yesterday but managed to get over 200g of protein.
So yes I have gone over my daily calorie allowance by 800 (my daily calorie target is 3200) but hit my protein goal give or take a few grams.
So to combat this terrible binge I did, all I need to do and will do is reduce my calories by 200 per day for the next 4 days which will mean my new goal is 3000 for the next 4 days.
If I am able to keep within this target then over the week my calories will average out and I will not gain any extra body fat.
The reason I am sharing this with you is because it is ok to do this every now and then, being fit and healthy is all about consistency. If we can remain consistent for 80-90% of the time, then the other 10-20% will not have a huge impact on us across a longer period of time.
So enjoy the odd fast food meal if you really want it, you just need to hold yourself accountable for it and make sure you claw back those calories in the few days before or few days after.
If you are unsure or have any questions, drop me a message using the link below.