Christmas eating slump!

I have always being a huge believer of the only way you can get your results in health and fitness is if you have balance across your diet, this needs to be accompanied by accountability to. It is ok saying its christmas I am going to have cheese, mince pies and some alcohol every day, but if you do this you need to make adjustments to compensate for it. Whether this be making sure you get more exercise in to try offset some of the extra calories or saving calories in other areas. For me, I enjoy a mince pie EVERY DAY, I only do this in december for a few weeks, so I allow myself to enjoy it because for 49-50 weeks of the year I won’t have a mince pie. A few extra 1000 steps, a little less snacking through the day and I have made up the calories I will be taking in from the mince pie.

Too many people decide f**k it I am just going to start in january and end up doing some pretty serious damage through december with the huge increase in calories, reduction in exercise and quality of food/nutrition seriously impaired.

All of my clients get the same message from me each year and it is one I live by too. If you can get to the end of december where you started december in regards to weight and measurements then this is a win.

This puts you in a good space to kick start the new year with your health kick, you can then spend the next 11 months working on consistently improving so that next decemeber when the christmas festivities roll back around you are already in a much better place than the year before.

There are too many ‘fitness influencers’ who try to push their unmaintainable lifestyle on to the average person, pushing their insecurities on to you. Through the christmas period it is about spending as much time with friends and family as possible, enjoying food and drink together that you wouldn’t normally do or get the chance to do. So instead of just punishing yourself and not allowing yourself the cheese and biscuits, the mince pies, the prosecco for breakfast and any other traditions your loved ones are taking part in. Just embrace it, enjoy it, because it will be over before you know it.

The way to look at it is christmas parties, family meals etc only last for 2-3 weeks tops. If you let loose a little over these 2-3 weeks, you have another 49-50 weeks in the year to sort yourself out.

Consistency is key when trying to reach your goals, allow yourself some enjoyment. Otherwise it really isn’t worth missing these family traditions and fun times because you want to have some abs. Trust me, I have been there and done it.

If you are ready to kick start your january health and fitness journey, Sign up before Dec 31st and take advantage of our december offers!


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