Machines vs Free Weights?
Machines vs free weights, the on going debate that doesn’t seem to have a ‘final’ answer. Well I thought I would throw my 2pence worth into the debate.
Through my 12 years of training experience, 9 of which have come as a personal trainer. I always incorporated both into my clients and my own workouts, both offer advantages that the other does not.
If you are new to the gym and it is your first time walking in, machines may be your best option on the basis that they are set in fixed positions. If you have a bit of experience in the gym and have a good understanding how the exercises should be performed then dumbbells may be a good option for you too.
Pros of using machines:
Beginner friendly - for those who haven’t mastered the movement patterns yet
Reduced chance of injury
Machines are designed to isolate the desired muscle/body part as long as you are sat in the correct position
When training to failure machines offer a great ‘spotter’ in the form of the range of movement they offer.
Pros of using dumbbells:
Improves stability and balance - having to engage your muscles more to ensure proper form is maintained
Versatile - it allows you to manipulate movements a little more to work certain areas in more than one dimension
More freedom of movement - for example a chest press machine is a fixed position whereas using dumbbells allows you to internally or externally rotate your shoulders during the press to cater for any injuries.
It allows you to complete different styles of training much easier - such as one set of dumbbells can be adequate enough for a full body circuit (Squats/bicep curl/Shoulder press/Lunges/front raise/thrusters…….).
Eliminates any strength imbalances, dumbbells force limbs to work unilaterally meaning if one side is weaker it can’t hide.
Easier to intensify your workouts with things such as rest-pause reps and drop sets are easier to set up for a solo trainer.
Final thoughts -
Even though there are ‘numerically’ more pros/benefits to using dumbbells, in my opinion this doesn’t mean you should use dumbbells over machines. If you read through the pros they both offer different benefits and options to compliment your workout, using both in your workouts can only lead to a net benefit overall.
Personally I like to start on the dumbbells/barbells and then as I fatigue move onto the machines so I can work to failure without worrying about causing injury or dropping a dumbbell on my head.
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