The reality of our weight/fat loss journey!

The reality of our weight/fat loss journey isn't exactly what we all would like it to be.

We think/want it to be very straight forward day to day with no hiccups along the way. However there are always going to be little bumps in the road, ranging from social events where it is tough to track accurate calories without seeming like a crazy person, all the way to hormones affecting our daily weight.

This is why you should take measurements of your body (waist, legs, bum, arms) as well as progress pictures to measure your progress rather than just your weight.

Some weeks there may be factors that affect your weight that are out of your control that don't mean you've actually gained fat, which is where your measurements will help you out. However without the measurements you will quite easily convince yourself that one slice of cake the other day is the reason and you are destined to be fat forever so I may as well give up. Then comes a heavy weekend on the calories and the feeling of regret the next day.

So instead of self sabotaging your progress if you see a number on the scale that you don't like, step off and assess where you could have been better the previous week and put it into action the following week.

Your weight/fat loss journey should be full of lifestyle changes that are maintainable, not a quick fix that you can't maintain


Why cm’s/inches are more important than lbs lost!


Do I need to count calories?