Why cm’s/inches are more important than lbs lost!

The biggest mistake people make on their fitness journey is they look at the scales and let that decide for them how the should feel.

For example I have had clients tell me they are feeling great, they are sleeping better, making healthier choices, clothes are fitting better and feel like their workouts are helping them. Then the step on the scales and they have 'only' lost 1lb or stayed the same and the instantly feel rubbish.

They start second doubting themselves and have a negative self image, ultimately leading to self-sabotage. We have all done it at some point and to different extents, but we have all done it. This is why I always encourage anyone who wants to track the changes they are making to take progress pictures immediately, and then they can take them every 4-6 weeks after that. There are many reasons why you may look different on a picture but not so much on the scales.

This could be due to:

🔹Increased muscle mass,

🔹Temporary water retention from eating carbohydrates (carbohydrates are not bad for you and certainly not the enemy)

🔹Timing of last meal/drink

🔹Hormone imbalance

🔹There are many more,

Ultimately, you should use progress pictures, how clothes fit and how you feel in yourself as a judgement as to how you are doing on your fitness journey and don't let a set of scales ruin your progress.

On the other hand I have clients who haven't weighed themselves for months on end simply because clothes fit better, they are happy with the reflection in the mirror and also happy with the lifestyle changes they have implemented.

Improving your fitness levels and self image isn't and shouldn't be about obsessing over what the scales say. Strive to be a healthier person and want to live a longer and much more fruitful life. Rather than turning towards the latest ‘fat loss pill/jab’ or the latest diet that says if you don’t eat carbohydrates after 9am but need to drink lemon water at 10am and go for a poo at 11am to ensure you will lose weight, why don’t you just try move a little more and eat a little less if your goal is weight/fat loss?


Recipe of the week - Easy Lamb Rogan Josh


The reality of our weight/fat loss journey!