Yo, Dave again.

I Just thought I would give a little bit of a background on me and how I ended up with Full Body Conditioning Harrogate.

Originially I wanted to be a PE teacher, having coached football in USA and to local youth teams for 10+ years I realised I wanted to develop young peoples knowledge of health and fitness (more so football) and help empower them to become stronger and fitter at a young age. After studying to be a PE teacher at university I decided teaching wasn’t for me and I much preferred the style of a ‘coach’ rather than a ‘teacher’. This allowed me to take my football a little more seriously that I had played since I was 4, however 3 ACL surgeries later and my football career over I decided I wanted to understand what was happening in my knees and why.

This coupled with the fact I didn’t want to work ‘behind a desk 9-5’ led me to personal training, I have also struggled with what we will call ‘dietary habits’ (I have several sweet teeth and seem to have an issue with sweet treats) and when I worked at Bettys I managed to ‘cut down to 3 CAKES A DAY’, needless to say I was fluctuating in weight and relying on playing football 5-6 times per week to keep off as much weight as possible. So when football stopped, the weight did start to pile on. So I started to learn about calories and macronutrients etc which I have been able to implement in helping my clients on their health & fitness journey.

I have also been on the other end of the scale, getting my body fat down to somewhere between 7-9% which was incredibly low for me. I would love to say I looked great, felt great and was on top of the world, in truth; I probably ‘looked good’ (depends who you ask), felt like absolute shit and couldn’t have been in a worse mental state (don’t see much point in picture evidence, you will just have to trust me ;). I guess where I am going with this is I have had a taste of been overweight (if may not have been obscene amounts but enough for my height and age) and I have been what some would call ‘ripped/in very good shape’, and what I have found is it is incredibly important for the majority of people to find the happy median. Somewhere where we can eat the foods we like, drink the drinks we enjoy whilst being able to socialise and not hate ourselves when we look in the mirror.

After working at Pure Gym for 7 years where I was able to meet some amazing people and work with some amazing people, once I had built my client base I decided to take the leap and open my idea of the ‘best gym around’ where we are class based, people can exercise with no fear of judgement, people can smash their goals and do it alongside like-minded people.

So after being a trainer for the best part of 8-9 years here we are with the ever growing Full Body Conditioning Harrogate.


Recipe of the week - Tasty Tomato Soup
