Fitness Influencers don’t usually have your best interest at heart


Why they are usually s**t and untrustworthy

A lot of them are self proclaimed 'influencers' when in fact all they want is an opportunity to show themselves off and make people feel s**t about themselves (usually, not every single one of course).

Telling you how they got a sculpted bum from doing 10 Reverse leg tangling hip thrusts on each leg at 6:36am when the sun rises when in fact it came from heavy squats, hip thrusts and most likely 5 years of consistency with a balanced diet and possibly a sporting/athletic background.

Or even how they got a 6 pack from doing 30 seconds of walking high knees and sit ups whilst facing in a southwest direction and a baby oiled stomach, when in fact it was from 10 years of consistently training 3-5 times per week and hitting protein goals on their diet and lifting heavy s**t.

Because 'everyone' knows you can't build muscle without some form of resistance, and fresh air doesn't quite cut it.

They usually try sell you something in the process, something like the booty programme for summer, or 6-pack shred in 4 weeks. Either way it's most likely rubbish and 110% a waste of money.

All this rant is saying is just question what people's intentions are and stop looking for the easy options

Some things in life you have to work for, and it isn't always fun and easy. But they're the things worth grafting for!!

If you want some guidance from a trainer why not drop me a message using the link below and I can help you on your way with any questions you may have and help you get the results you want.


Why everybody should care about strength training!
